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OETリスニング「パートA」練習問題① – 関節リウマチの症例


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OETリスニング「パートA」練習問題 – 関節リウマチの症例

今回の練習問題は「関節リウマチ(Rheumatoid Arthritis)」の症状を持っている患者との問診がテーマです。

“Rheumatoid Arthritis” は頻出のトピックです。スペルがややこしいので、再現できるようにしっかり覚えていきましょう。

「パートA」練習問題 – 音源





「パートA」練習問題 – 問題

You hear an orthopedic surgeon talking to a patient suffering from chronic pain.

For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You now have 30 seconds to look at the notes.

Patient:Mrs. Davis
Age: 42
Main Issue:continuous discomfort and rigidity in (1)__________, particularly on awakening.
Symptomsbegan around (2)__________ priorintensifying and becoming more frequent in (3)__________
Physical Signs:significant puffiness and (4)__________, especially in the fingers.challenges in clenching her hand due to swelling in (5)__________.
Family history:maternal grandmother had a history of rheumatoid arthritis.
Trigger of Discomfortmainly after being (6)__________.discomfort also felt post certain tasks like planting or lifting (7)__________.
Physical activity:regular strolls, currently reduced due to (8)__________.
Food intake:generally balanced, but pain seems aggravated after eating certain items, such as (9)__________ or sweets.
Current pain control:uses (10)__________ occasionally when pain is too much to bear.
Tentative Diagnosis:suspected (11)__________, based on symptoms and family medical past.
Future action:detailed (12)__________, relevant tests, and exploration of therapeutic approaches and potential drug treatments.


「パートA」練習問題 – 回答


  1. hand and knees
  2. three months ago
  3. the last few weeks
  4. redness
  5. (the) morning
  6. inactive
  7. grocery bags
  8. (the) pain
  9. red meat
  10. ibuprofen
  11. rheumatoid arthritis
  12. physical exam



  1. ディクテーション
  2. 発音矯正




  • 同じ音声は1日最大7回までとする
  • 1回目は音声を止めずに書き取れるか試してみる
  • 2回目以降は音声を止めて繰り返し音を聞き取る
  • 学習時間は1時間以内とする



「パートA」追加演習 – ディクテーション


DoctorWelcome, Mrs.  Davis. It’s good to see you today. How can I assist you? 
Mrs. DavisThank you doctor. I’ve been having (1)__________, especially when (2)__________. I’m concerned (3)__________
DoctorI’m sorry to hear that. How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?
Mrs. Davis(4)__________But the pain and stiffness have become (5)__________
DoctorHave you noticed (6)__________?
Mrs. DavisYes, particularly (7)__________ – some mornings they’re so swollen, (8)__________
DoctorArthritis can manifest in various forms. Have you or anyone in your family had a history of arthritis or other autoimmune diseases?
Mrs. DavisMy (9)__________ and I remember she used to (10)__________ a lot.
DoctorThank you for that information. Do you experience the pain and stiffness after periods of inactivity or even after some activities?
Mrs. Davis(11)__________ – like when I get up in the morning. But I have also felt (12)__________.
DoctorHow about your lifestyle and diet? Are you active? And do you follow any specific type of diet?
Mrs. DavisI try to (13)__________ but lately (14)__________. Diet wise, I eat a (15)__________, but have noticed that after consuming certain foods like (16)__________
DoctorThat’s insightful. Some patients have noted that certain foods can exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Have you tried any (17)__________?
Mrs. DavisI’ve been taking (18)__________ and it helps for a short time, but (19)__________
DoctorUnderstandable. Chronic use of certain pain relievers can have side effects. Based on your description and family history, it could be a form of arthritis, possibly rheumatoid arthritis. But we’ll need to conduct a physical exam and some tests to be sure.
Mrs. DavisThat’s what I was afraid of. But (20)__________. I wanna manage it and understand what’s happening with my body. 
DoctorIt’s always best to address these concerns early. Besides the tests, we’ll discuss management strategies, therapies and possibly medications that can help alleviate the symptoms and prevent progression.
Mrs. DavisI appreciate that doctor.I wanna be proactive about this and ensure (21)__________


「パートA」追加演習 – 発音矯正


  1. /aɪ(v)bɪn ˈhævɪ(ŋ) pərˈsɪstən(t) peɪnæn(d) ˈstɪfnəs ɪ(n) ma(ɪ) hændzæniz, əˈspɛʃəli wɛnaɪ weɪkʌpɪn ðə ˈmɔrnɪŋ/
  2. /(j)əs, pərˈtɪkjələrli ɪ(m) ma(ɪ) ˈfɪŋɡərz – səm(ˈ)mɔrnɪŋz ð(ə)r soʊ ˈswoʊlən, aɪ ˈstrʌɡəl tə meɪk ə fɪst/
  3. /bʌ(t) aɪ(v) ˈɔlsoʊ fɛl(t) dɪsˈkʌmfər(t) æf(t)ər ˈɡɑrd(ə)nɪŋ ər ˈkærɪŋ ˈɡroʊs(ə)ri bæɡz/
  4. /bʌ(t) hə(v) ˈnoʊtɪs(t) ðæ(t) æftər kənˈsumɪŋ ˈsɜr(t)n fudz laɪk rɛ(d) mi(t) ər ˈʃʊɡ(ə)ri trits, ðə peɪn sim(z) tə ˈwɜrsən/
  5. /aɪ(v) bɪn ˈteɪkɪ(n) aɪbjʊˈproʊfən wɛn ɪ(t) bɪˈkʌmz ʌnˈbɛrəbəl ən(d) ɪ(t) hɛlps frə ʃɔrt taɪm, bʌ(t) aɪ doʊn(t) wɑn(t) tə rɪˈlaɪ ɑn(ɪ)t/


  1. I’ve been having persistent pain and stiffness in my hands and knees, especially when I wake up in the morning.
  2. Yes, particularly in my fingers – some mornings they’re so swollen, I struggle to make a fist.
  3. But I have also felt discomfort after gardening or carrying grocery bags.
  4. but have noticed that after consuming certain foods like red meat or sugary treats, the pain seems to worsen.
  5. I’ve been taking ibuprofen when it becomes unbearable and it helps for a short time, but I don’t want to rely on it.


DoctorWelcome, Mrs.  Davis. It’s good to see you today. How can I assist you? 
Mrs. DavisThank you doctor. I’ve been having persistent pain and stiffness in my hands and knees, especially when I wake up in the morning. I’m concerned it might be arthritis. 
DoctorI’m sorry to hear that. How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?
Mrs. DavisIt started about three months ago.But the pain and stiffness have become more intense and frequent in the last few weeks. 
DoctorHave you noticed any swelling or redness in the affected areas?
Mrs. DavisYes, particularly in my fingers – some mornings they’re so swollen, I struggle to make a fist. 
DoctorArthritis can manifest in various forms. Have you or anyone in your family had a history of arthritis or other autoimmune diseases?
Mrs. DavisMy grandmother had rheumatoid arthritis and I remember she used to complain about her hands and knees a lot.
DoctorThank you for that information. Do you experience the pain and stiffness after periods of inactivity or even after some activities?
Mrs. DavisMostly after inactivity – like when I get up in the morning. But I have also felt discomfort after gardening or carrying grocery bags.
DoctorHow about your lifestyle and diet? Are you active? And do you follow any specific type of diet?
Mrs. DavisI try to walk every day but lately the pain has been limiting me. Diet wise, I eat a balanced meal, but have noticed that after consuming certain foods like red meat or sugary treats, the pain seems to worsen. 
DoctorThat’s insightful. Some patients have noted that certain foods can exacerbate arthritis symptoms. Have you tried any over the counter pain relief or treatments?
Mrs. DavisI’ve been taking ibuprofen when it becomes unbearable and it helps for a short time, but I don’t want to rely on it. 
DoctorUnderstandable. Chronic use of certain pain relievers can have side effects. Based on your description and family history, it could be a form of arthritis, possibly rheumatoid arthritis. But we’ll need to conduct a physical exam and some tests to be sure.
Mrs. DavisThat’s what I was afraid of. But I’m glad I came in. I wanna manage it and understand what’s happening with my body. 
DoctorIt’s always best to address these concerns early. Besides the tests, we’ll discuss management strategies, therapies and possibly medications that can help alleviate the symptoms and prevent progression.
Mrs. DavisI appreciate that doctor.I wanna be proactive about this and ensure I can still enjoy my daily activities without too much pain. 
DoctorThat’s the spirit. Let’s get started with the examination and move forward from there.


Doctor Oversea.comでは、OET合格の再現性を高める為に定期的に練習問題を作成しアップロードしていきます。






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