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OETリスニング「パートA」練習問題② – 肝硬変の症例



OETリスニング「パートA」練習問題② – 肝硬変の症例

今回の練習問題は「肝硬変(Liver Cirrhosis)」の症状を持っている患者との問診がテーマです。

“Liver Cirrhosis” も前回と同様に頻出のトピックです。スペルがややこしいので、再現できるようにしっかり覚えていきましょう。

「パートA」練習問題 – 音源

「パートA」練習問題 – 問題

You hear a gastroenterologist talking to a patient referred from his local GP diagnosed with possible Cirrhosis. 

For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.  You now have 30 seconds to look at the notes. 

Patient:Dylan Williams
Age: 42
Initial Concern:Consultation sought for potential Cirrhosis evaluation
Current Health Status: observed a (1)__________ tint in the skin and eyes.Persistent feelings of (2)__________ over several months.diminished hunger leading to notable (3)__________ reduction.presence of (4)__________ distension. consistent discomfort on the (5)__________, under the ribcage.
Symptom Timeline::symptoms onset (6)__________ back, intensifying in the recent month.prolonged period of intense alcohol use in earlier years.significant decline in alcohol consumption in (7)__________.No drug consumption reported. 
Examination background:not underwent (8)__________ screening or treatment.
Genetic Health Background: no explicitly stated (9)__________ in the family lineage.
Suggested Approach:Initiate (10)__________ to assess liver functionality and exclude Hepatitis B and C possibility.Suggest (11)__________ to inspect the liver and adjacent areas.Consider (12)__________ for an in-depth analysis of potential scarring or damage.
Future Treatment:alcohol abstinencetailored medication for emerging complicationsweighing the option of a liver transplant if conditions are grave.

「パートA」練習問題 – 回答

  1. yellowish
  2. tiredness
  3. weight
  4. abdominal
  5. right side
  6. a few months
  7. (the) past decade
  8. hepatitis
  9. liver disease
  10. blood test(s)
  11. (an) ultrasound
  12. (a) liver biopsy

「パートA」練習問題 – ディクテーション



  • 同じ音声は1日最大7回までとする
  • 1回目は音声を止めずに書き取れるか試してみる
  • 2回目以降は音声を止めて繰り返し音を聞き取る
  • 学習時間は1時間以内とする




Dylan WilliamsSo, Doctor Carter. My family doctor told me that (1)__________ and referred me to you for more tests and management. I honestly don’t know much about it. 
DoctorCirrhosis is a condition (2)__________, often due to long term continuous damage. I’m here to help you understand more about it and (3)__________ or lifestyle changes.Can you start by telling me (4)__________?
Dylan WilliamsWell, initially, I didn’t think much of it. I noticed (5)__________. Then I started (6)__________ and my (7)__________. I’ve (8)__________ too. (9)__________ and I feel a (10)__________
DoctorI see (11)__________ of the skin and eyes is a common symptom of liver problems. Cirrhosis can lead to a (12)__________, which is likely causing your stomach swelling. How long (13)__________?
Dylan WilliamsI would say (14)__________ now, but it’s only (15)__________ that I felt it was getting worse. 
DoctorOkay. And do you have (16)__________?
Dylan WilliamsI used to (17)__________ in my younger days, almost daily for years. But I’ve cut back significantly in (18)__________. I don’t use any drugs.
Doctor(19)__________ can be a major cause of liver damage leading to cirrhosis. It’s good that you’ve cut back. But the damage from years of (20)__________. Have you ever (21)__________?
Dylan WilliamsNo, I haven’t. I didn’t think I was at risk for that. 
DoctorHepatitis, especially types B and C, can lead to cirrhosis if not managed properly. We’ll likely do (22)__________ as a contributing factor. Do you have a (23)__________?
Dylan WilliamsNot that I know of. But then again, (24)__________ about health issues. 
DoctorAll right, we might consider (25)__________ if necessary. It’s crucial for us to understand the underlying cause. So we can best manage the disease. We’ll start with some (26)__________ and exclude possibilities of hepatitis. Also an (27)__________ and potentially a (28)__________ and damage.
Dylan WilliamsThat sounds like a lot. I’m worried. What can be done if it’s confirmed that I have cirrhosis? 
DoctorI understand your concerns. If diagnosed early, cirrhosis can be managed. We’ll work on preventing further liver damage, treating the underlying cause and managing your symptoms. This could include (29)__________ for any complications and potentially discussing (30)__________ in the later stages. 
Dylan WilliamsThank you, Doctor Carter. I appreciate the thoroughness. I’m ready to work on getting better. 
DoctorThat’s the spirit. We’ll tackle this together, step by step. Your cooperation and understanding of the disease will play a significant role in managing it. Let’s start with the tests and go from there.

「パートA」練習問題 – トランスクリプト

Dylan WilliamsSo, Doctor Carter. My family doctor told me that I have something called cirrhosis and referred me to you for more tests and management. I honestly don’t know much about it. 
DoctorCirrhosis is a condition where there’s scarring of the liver, often due to long term continuous damage. I’m here to help you understand more about it and guide you through any necessary treatment or lifestyle changes.Can you start by telling me how you came to notice something was wrong?
Dylan WilliamsWell, initially, I didn’t think much of it. I noticed my skin and eyes looked a bit yellowish. Then I started feeling very tired all the time and my appetite decreased. I’ve lost quite a bit of weight too. My stomach seems swollen and I feel a dull pain on my right side below my ribs. 
DoctorI see jaundice or the yellowish discoloration of the skin and eyes is a common symptom of liver problems. Cirrhosis can lead to a build-up of fluids in the abdomen, which is likely causing your stomach swelling. How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?
Dylan WilliamsI would say a few months now, but it’s only in the last month or so that I felt it was getting worse. 
DoctorOkay. And do you have any history of alcohol consumption or drug use?
Dylan WilliamsI used to drink quite heavily in my younger days, almost daily for years. But I’ve cut back significantly in the past decade. I don’t use any drugs.
DoctorChronic alcohol consumption can be a major cause of liver damage leading to cirrhosis. It’s good that you’ve cut back. But the damage from years of heavy drinking might have caught up. Have you ever been tested or treated for hepatitis?
Dylan WilliamsNo, I haven’t. I didn’t think I was at risk for that. 
DoctorHepatitis, especially types B and C, can lead to cirrhosis if not managed properly. We’ll likely do some blood tests to rule that out as a contributing factor. Do you have a family history of liver disease?
Dylan WilliamsNot that I know of. But then again, my family isn’t very open about health issues. 
DoctorAll right, we might consider genetic testing down the road if necessary. It’s crucial for us to understand the underlying cause. So we can best manage the disease. We’ll start with some blood tests to check your liver functions and exclude possibilities of hepatitis. Also an ultrasound to assess the liver and adjacent areas and potentially a liver biopsy to assess the degree of scarring and damage.
Dylan WilliamsThat sounds like a lot. I’m worried. What can be done if it’s confirmed that I have cirrhosis? 
DoctorI understand your concerns. If diagnosed early, cirrhosis can be managed. We’ll work on preventing further liver damage, treating the underlying cause and managing your symptoms. This could include abstaining from alcohol medication for any complications and potentially discussing liver transplant if deemed necessary in the later stages. 
Dylan WilliamsThank you, Doctor Carter. I appreciate the thoroughness. I’m ready to work on getting better. 
DoctorThat’s the spirit. We’ll tackle this together, step by step. Your cooperation and understanding of the disease will play a significant role in managing it. Let’s start with the tests and go from there.



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